Body Learning: The Alexander Technique
Body Learning: The Alexander Technique
“CyCling” with Ease to Down-Regulate Stress and Trauma
Alexander Technique Teacher Imogen Ragone in Conversation with Trauma Awareness Activist Shay Seaborne. In their fourth conversation, Shay and Imogen discuss TheCyCle™ – a practice Shay has learned from Imogen which helps her calm her own nervous system. It has become her go-to down-regulation tool. TheCyCle takes only a couple of minutes to do, and you will get the opportunity to learn and experience it for yourself in this video. (TheCyCle™ is a practice that comes directly from the Primal Alexander work of Mio Morales. It is not only a way for you to calm your own nervous system, but also provides a framework in which to practice the type of thinking and awareness that cultivates ease in a way that’s portable and accessible in many situations.). This podcast was originally broadcast as a live video on Facebook at Facebook.com/CalmConfidentControl The video version of this podcast can be seen at Facebook.com/CalmConfidentControl Imogen’sImogen’s website: ImogenRagone.com Imogen’s Facebook group, the BodyIntelligence Community: Facebook.com/groups/bodyintelligencecommunity The video version of the talk can be seen at: https://youtu.be/FPANejLi24o Shay’s website and blog: ShaySeaborne.com More general information about the Alexander Technique: AlexanderTechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexanderTechnique.com/support