Body Learning: The Alexander Technique
A podcast devoted to all aspects of the Alexander Technique, a method of learning how to release harmful tension and perform all your activities with greater ease and freedom.
Body Learning: The Alexander Technique
Marjorie Barstow's Teaching - 10
Robert Rickover and Eileen Troberman
Follow up conversation with Robert Rickover and Eileen Troberman, both students of the late Marjorie Barstow. This conversation is primarily about the observational skills Marj taught her students, how that is helpful with distance teaching, and what Marj would likely have thought about that approach. Eileen's website: AlexanderTechniqueSanDiego.com/ Robert's website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com Marjorie's website: MarjorieBarstow.com More information about the Alexander Technique: alexandertechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support