Body Learning: The Alexander Technique
A podcast devoted to all aspects of the Alexander Technique, a method of learning how to release harmful tension and perform all your activities with greater ease and freedom.
Body Learning: The Alexander Technique
An Alexander Technique Lesson in Sitting Down and Standing Up
Robert Rickover and Imogen Ragone
(This podcast is primarily for Alexander Technique teachers and students.) Robert Rickover talks with Imogen Ragone, an Alexander Technique teacher in Wilmington, Delaware, about an approach to Alexander Technique "Chair Work" that can be used for Online and In Person Teaching. Imogen's website: ImogenRagone.com Robert teaches in Omaha, Nebraska and Toronto Canada. Website: AlexanderTechniqueNebraska.com Both Imogen and Robert also teach online. More information about the Alexander Technique: AlexanderTechnique.com
You might find it useful to see the video version of this interview: youtu.be/aJRF99-kycs