Body Learning: The Alexander Technique
A podcast devoted to all aspects of the Alexander Technique, a method of learning how to release harmful tension and perform all your activities with greater ease and freedom.
Body Learning: The Alexander Technique
A Primary Care Physician Talks about the Alexander Technique's effectiveness in Pain Management and how that could help with today's Opioid Addiction Crisis
Robert Rickover and Dr. Cathleen Hood
Dr. Cathleen Hood, a Family Practioner in Westport, Massachusetts, talks with Robert Rickover about her patients' and own experiences with the Alexander Technique's ability to help with pain management, and the implications of that for the root causes of the increasingly serious opoid addiction and overdose problem in America. Dr. Hood's website: PrimaryCarePartnership.com Robert's website: AlexanderTechniqueNebraska.com Dr. Hood's Alexander Technique teacher is Mary Derbyshire. Mary's website: MDerbyshire.com More information about the Alexander Technique: AlexanderTechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support