Body Learning: The Alexander Technique
A podcast devoted to all aspects of the Alexander Technique, a method of learning how to release harmful tension and perform all your activities with greater ease and freedom.
Body Learning: The Alexander Technique
Trauma and Chronic Stress - How the Alexander Technique can Help
Robert Rickover
Robert Rickover, an Alexander Technique teacher in Omaha, Nebraska, talks with Imogen Ragone, an Alexander Technique teacher in Wilmington, Delaware about her work with people suffering from trauma and chronic stress. Imogen's website: ImogenRagone.com Robert's website: AlexanderTechniqueNebraska.com Alexander Technique Teachers of Greater Philadelphia website: AlexTechGreaterPhila.com More information about the Alexander Technique: AlexanderTechnique.com
Original video version: https://youtu.be/mKoLtBOJsyc