Body Learning: The Alexander Technique
A podcast devoted to all aspects of the Alexander Technique, a method of learning how to release harmful tension and perform all your activities with greater ease and freedom.
Body Learning: The Alexander Technique
F. Matthias Alexander's lost "Fifth Book"
Robert Rickover and Richard Brennan
Richard Brennan, an Alexander Technique teacher and author in Galway, Ireland talks with Robert Rickover about "Conscious Control in Relation to Human Evolution in Civilization", published by Alexander in 1912 and although rarely seen since, is well worth reading.
Richard has recently re-published the book in a paperback edition. The book is available through Richard's website:alexander.ie Robert teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com More information about the Alexander Technique: alexandertechnique.com You can learn how to support this and other Alexander Technique websites at AlexTechExpress.com/support